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Design by ICTEC
DK Recup
Carpet yarn recycling
  • The yarns can be separated from the tubes using several manners, depending on the wishes of the customer.
    The recycled products are: Polypropyleen, Polyamide, Polyester, Wool,…
    After processing our products find their way to the granulage or needle felt industry
    Camera icon Film1 Film2
Recycling unbacked carpet rests        
Recovery of tubes
  • After being sorted on quality and color the tubes can be re-used.
  • Yarn parties can be rewind, from big to small or the other way around.
Purchase of lots
  • Purchase of  lots.
Recycling all kind of plastics
  • PP, HDPE, LDPE,… can be recycled provided that they are sorted.
  • The barges can be delivered free and are of varied dimensions.
Unwind and clean monofilament tubes.
  • Unwind and clean monofilament tubes.
Own transport
  • One of our dear trump cards is our fast service, it does not take more than 48 hours to change full barges for empty ones.
    We own 3 trucks and 5 large volume trailers.

  • We can shred tubes, coils and melt chunks in PA, PP, PE, ABS, ... up to 8 mm.